
永瀬彩子 NAGASE Ayako

千葉大学園芸学部生物生産科学科 (02.3卒業)
Department of Horticulture and Landscape,University of Reading,Master of Science (03.9修了) Department of Landscape,University of Sheffield, Doctor of Philosophy (08.12修了)

08.12 千葉大学大学院園芸学研究科助教
12.4 千葉大学工学部デザイン学科助教


1.Amount of water runoff from different vegetation types on extensive green roofs: Effect of plant species, diversity and plant structure: Nagase, A. and Dunnett, N. Landscape and Urban Planning 104: 356-363, 2012
2.The relationship between percentage of organic matter in substrate and plant growth in extensive green roofs,Nagase, A. and Dunnett, N., Landscape and Urban Planning, 103: 230-236, 2011
3.Drought tolerance in different vegetation types for extensive green roofs: Effects of watering and diversity Nagase, A and Dunnett,N , Landscape and Urban Planning 97: 318-327, 2010

(左)屋上エディブルガーデン (ハーブなどの食用植物)  (右) 屋上ビオトープガーデン

伊豆半島 城ヶ崎海岸の植物を使用した屋上緑化 (千葉大学西千葉キャンパス自然科学棟2号館10階屋上)

鹿島建設との共同研究 生物多様性のための粗放的な屋上緑化の研究 (千葉大学西千葉キャンパスけやき会館屋上)


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